Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 - Starbucks Coffee Drink Calories

Although today's article isn't about one of the major fast food companies, the company Starbucks can still be considered somewhat of a franchised fast food business dealing with coffee and bakery treats.

Today's small article, from the January/February 2011 edition of Health Magazine talks about how many of the items found in coffee shops may actually pack a lot more calories than you may think. While many customers believe they are saving themselves on breakfast or snack calories by getting a specialty flavored coffee beverage at coffee stores like Starbucks, they don't realize that these drinks, depending on what you order, can actually have more calories and grams of fat than we realize.

If you are craving a coffee drink (especially a caramel flavored coffee drink) and are going to be stopping in at a Starbucks, Health suggests that we pass up on the Grande Caramel Macchiato, which is made with 2% steamed milk, vanilla flavored syrup, espresso, caramel drizzle, and added whipped cream: bringing it to a whopping 310 calories, 14 from fat. Instead, Health recommends the Grande Caffè Misto, which is made from steamed soy milk and added caramel drizzle. This yummy beverage is only 125 calories, and only 4 come from fat!

So next time you head into your local coffee shop, ask the bistro worker what your favorite drinks are made with and how they look calorie wise. Learn more about what you order, and then pick the products that are better for you!

Exercise:  Today we are going to put our suits, caps, and goggles on and hit the water! Since I haven't swam in a while, I decided to keep to my previous swim workout from two weeks ago. Here's today's workout: Complete five sets of the following four 50s.
50 Swim Freestyle
50 Pull Freestyle
50 Kick Freestyle
50 Swim Freestyle
TOTAL: 1000 Meters

Eat: Today for breakfast, I enjoyed a very healthy and filling meal: Cream of Wheat. Cream of wheat is extremely good for you! It is made from Wheat Farina, Partially Defatted Wheat Germ, and Disodium Phosphate (for quick cooking). It is also full of calcium, iron, niacin, thiamine, and more vitamins. To make this hot cereal, all you have to do is boil some water on your stovetop. Then add a little bit of the cream of wheat (based on recipe instructions) and wait for it to stiffen up a bit. Then pour into a bowl with a tablespoon of milk and a little brown sugar. Enjoy this delicious, healthy breakfast!

Relax: One of the best ways to make ourselves relax is to have a good laugh. Today I want to share a comic that made me laugh. It comes from Cyanide and Happiness:

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