Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59 - February Wrap It Up/Challenge

Over the last month, we have learned a lot about fast food an the fast food industry. I hope that you, like I, feel more knowledgeable about how foods get from the farm to the drive-in window, that you understand the nutrition behind fast food, and that you've gained a new sense in how to make better, healthier decisions about the foods that you eat.

While I start on a new topic tomorrow for the month of March, I want to leave you with a challenge for the next month, or even better for the rest of the year. I want to challenge you to leave behind fast food for as long as you can. Just stop eating it. Not only is it not good for you at all, but buying fast food also supports the industries behind it (like Schlosser talked about in his book). By boycotting fast food for both ethical and health reasons, we can hope to make a difference in the ways food is processed and in the ways it is cooked for us.

Now I know that you are going to have some periods of time where you are hungry and could really go for a Big Mac or some Taco Bell while driving somewhere, but instead of hitting up those fast food restaurants, I want to encourage you to direct your vehicle to the nearest grocery store. There, you can either pick up some items (staying health conscious and looking at the nutrition facts) to make some of the meals you crave; like hamburgers or tacos, or you can pick up a quick piece of fruit or a premade salad to eat right away. I can promise you that it will take just as little time to run into a grocery store and pick up an apple or carrots or a salad as it does to go through a drive-through. It will also cost you less AND it will be better for your health.

So my challenge to you is to stay away from the fast food and instead pick up some quick, healthy items when you feel you need a quick snack or meal. Making these choices will set you on track to keeping a healthy diet.

Exercise:  Today I did a yoga workout at home with Aaron and my sister Haley. The other weekend I picked up a new yoga workout video called Shiva Rea Vinyasa Yoga. We completed a workout that lasted about an hour and fifteen minutes and was a premade workout for hip opening. It was pretty hard actually!

Eat: Today's tip from "What to Eat" while grocery shopping is to "Buy in Bulk". Buying foods you eat a lot in bulk can save you a lot of money; especially with rice, beans, lentils, and more. Definitely check the prices per pound though… because some bulk items are not necessarily cheaper in bulk. So do your homework and save on what you can.

Relax: This morning, while continuing to read my book and getting started on my blogs for the week, I was able to sit down and enjoy catching up on The Biggest Loser. It's always nice to relax in the morning while watching one of my favorite shows. You should do the same!

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