Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 83 - "The Beautiful Truth"

In the movie "The Beautiful Truth", some scary facts and truths about are food industry are revealed and discussed along side the exciting theories and results of Gerson Therapy. According to founder Marx Gerson, it is important to feed and be fed the appropriate kinds of foods in order to live healthily.

The movie itself follows along the storyline of a young high school man discovering the Gerson Therapy and doing research into the topic. The boy, Garrett, studies the topic and comes up with a list of questions to ask the authorities on the subject; beginning with questions on dental care.

According to dental experts; such as Gerald Cox and Harold Hodge, nutrition may have a bigger effect on dental health than just the fluoride found in toothpaste. In studying old, isolated tribes of people, it was found that many, if not all, had no dental decay and wonderfully good teeth. However, once introduced to processed foods, tooth decay began to become more and more common. In addition to nutrition having effects on our dental health, some dental work has further decreased our good health as well, like our silver cavity fillings. Cavity fillings are the biggest exposure to Mercury that we get in our lives. Even just a little bit of jarring of a silver filling will release mercury into the atmosphere. Entering into a dental office will give you exposure to a phenomenal amount of mercury.

However, when asked if mercury fillings are safe, close to 100% of dentists will claim that they are, even though mercury is the deadliest type of metal known to humans. Even when you go to get your silver fillings removed, you still have to be extremely careful about who you go to. 60% of patients that get their silver fillings removed will obtain an autoimmune diseases they had not had before. It is estimated that about 1000 tons of mercury are in the fillings of humans today.

Gerson was originally from Germany and was able to flee during WW2. Today, anytime the Gerson Therapy has been talked about or broadcasted, the drug and pharmaceutical companies hush them up. Many of our supposed helpful organizations, such as the American Medical Association's major advertising revenue came from ads about different pharmaceutical drugs and companies. These companies are not advertising these drugs as a means to hope to actually cure people, but rather just for the money making aspect of it. In fact, former Commissioner of the FDA talked about how he is disgusted about the wide difference between what the FDA actually does and what the public thinks the FDA is doing.

Dr. Marx Gerson

Next, Garrett questioned the use of artificial flavoring in much of the processed foods and its benefits, or detriments, to us. According to the movie, food additives such as MSG have been shown to destroy nerve cells in developing infant animal brains. In humans, MSG interferes with brain functioning by destroying connections in the brain. To avoid consuming MSG, you mush eat organic foods and meals devoid of processed foods. The only reason companies are calling them safe is because it is a huge money making ploy. MSG is a big taste enhancing additive in foods, however it is a silent toxin.

Garrett furthered his questioning of food products by asking about Genetically Modified foods (GM) and their safety. According to the movie, over 60% of processed foods have GM ingredients contained in them, but many foods do not have them at all - fresh foods. Today, there are five main big companies that are behind the strive to sell GM products - and all of these companies are chemical companies, not agricultural companies. Further, many of the people who worked for the chemical companies later got jobs in government that regulated these companies and products. Therefore, the products could make it onto our shelves without much regulation. Now, these chemical companies are creating seeds that react positively to their chemical products to make bigger yields of crops. Through creating and patenting their seeds, these companies are simply trying to control all of the seeds of the world and make it impossible to save the seeds - even worse knowing most farmers survive off of saving seeds.

In addition to talking about some of these controversial topics, the movie also talks about the scientific differences between cooked and non-cooked products, as well as between organically grown and conventionally grown foods by taking photographs that measure the amount of energy contained in the food product. According to the research done through the movie, non-cooked foods and organically grown foods have more energy in them.

While there is so much going on negatively in our food industry and agriculture industry today, the movie reveals that the beautiful truth today, is that people around the world are saying no to GM products, to food radiation, and more; and are saying yes to organic foods and locally grown products.

I encourage you all to watch this video to learn more about the Gerson Theory, about Dr. Gerson himself, and about the dangers of today's food industry and how to avoid them.

Exercise: While today is my day off of exercising, I actually did do something relatively exercise-like. Today, for a date, Aaron took me to the Yost Arena to go ice skating during open skate hours. We had a lot of fun (even though neither of us was very good lol) and even got our heart rates up a bit!

Eat: According to Cooking Light, berries are as healthful as they are delicious. They are full of antioxidants that give off all kinds of benefits, and they are also storehouses for fiber; vitamins A, C, E; folic acid; and potassium and calcium. They also contain ellagic acid and lignans that may help reduce the risk of cancer. Each different kind of berry offers different kinds of healthful benefits. Cranberries  and strawberries give us vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. Blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries have vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and vitamin K. And cherries have vitamin C, fiber, and potassium in them.

Relax: In addition to watching the movie tonight, Aaron and I also watched some good cartoon shows while we drank some calming hot tea. It was a good night! But I definitely stayed up way to late for having to get up tomorrow at 8!!

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