Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 105 - Heifer International

Heifer International's mission is to "work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth." The organization allows individuals to give livestock and training, to help families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. The organization calls it's giving of livestock to families a "loan", because the family then gives one of their animal's offspring to another family in need. They call this "Passing on the Gift".

The gifts of livestock go to families in need all over the globe. You can learn more about the organization and how to get involved, make a donation, or gift a family with some kind of livestock or training by visiting Heifer International's Official Website.

Exercise: Today was my first day of working out after my two week break and man did it feel amazing!! I started out by completing a quick running workout. I went about 2.5 miles in 25 minutes. I did this in time intervals, increasing my speeds after every five minutes. Then, after doing my cool down, I went and joined in my usual Monday night yoga class. It was super tough today and really got me sweating. I didn't know if I was going to make it through the whole hour, but I managed and it felt great to be able to do the whole class.

Eat: What is considered a serving of breads/grains? Here are a couple measurements for grain servings:
1 "mini" bagel = 1 serving, 1/2 English muffin = 1 serving, 1 hamburger bun = 2 servings, 1 (6-in) pita = 2 servings, 1 (6-in) tortilla = 1 serving, 1 hot dog bun = 2 servings, 1 sandwich roll = 2 servings.
I don't know about all of you, but I didn't realize some of these were actually 2 servings!! This is definitely something to keep in mind as you are eating each day. You, like me, are probably eating way to many grains/breads each day...

Relax: This morning, I was able to spend some time in the studio working on making wall letters for the glam finale. Although it is still work, it is more of a hobby that we get paid for. I really enjoy my time working in the studio and making beautiful products.

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