Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 109 - The Biggest Loser April Update

Episode 12

At the start of the episode, contestants are told that they will be split into four teams of three - blue, green, black, and red. Each team will have one trainer and they must chose a weight with a color on the bottom in order to be sorted into their teams. Their turn to choose is based in order of the highest percentage weight loss. The new teams are:
Red - Courtney, Justin, Jennifer
Blue - Olivia, Moses, Irene
Black - Rulon and Hannah
Green - Austin, Ken, Kaylee

Rulon and Olivia are given the opportunity to bring one eliminated player back to participate on their black team. In the meantime, Bob takes his team member to his Crunch biking program so they can get into the community and find other people who are also making changes in their every day life to be more healthy. Jillian invites Rulon and Hannah to her beach house for a good workout by the water and for some heart-to-heart conversations. Brett takes his team member on a hike and tells them to take a moment to turn inward and see the progress and the changes they've made to themselves. Justin is especially emotional because he is proud of who he is. Cara takes her team to Trinity Boxing where her team members can finally get some practice fighting in a ring for real!

At the challenge, the black team reveals their decision to bring back Jay. They are also informed that Jay's weight loss will not count for their team this week. The challenge this week is to all hold onto ropes for their individual teams with a weight put up in the air, weighing the combination of their teams weight loss. The prize: video chats with their families. Even though the black team wins, they give their video chat opportunities to the blue team, who all really want to speak to their families back home.

At the weigh in, Kaylee announces that she feels she is ready to go home and therefore has asked her team to throw the weigh in. When the green team finally weighs in, Kaylee is devastated to learn that Ken did not throw the weigh in as she asked. She will be able to stay another week if she decides to stay. Kaylee is very upset but decides to stay on the ranch.

At the elimination, Justin asks his team members to do the right thing and keep Courtney at the ranch while he goes home. The players comply with his request and send him home.

Episode 13

After kicking off the episode with a statement from Kaylee, Allison has a surprise for the contestants: video footage of the moment they were told they were going to be on the Biggest Loser show. She then asks the group if they ever wondered what happened to the 12th team. Today she brings them onto the show and allows them an opportunity to win a spot on the show - if they have lost enough weight at home. Unfortunately, they both do not lose enough and cannot come onto the show. They do, however, leave inspired to continue on their journey of weight loss and will be at the finale.

For this week's challenge, the contestants are told to balance two balls on a flat board with a hole in the middle while walking over to a bucket and then dropping the balls into the bucket through the hole. The first to 10 balls wins. The green team wins the challenge, followed by the black, then the blue, and then the red. The green winners are given a 1 minute advantage at the weeks big challenge and the red team is sent packing off of the ranch for the week. The red team is given a "menu" where they are given a certain amount of dollars and different choices that cost different amounts; such as trainer for a day, massages, night out, gym memberships, etc. Amazingly, they choose to go without Brett for the week. The girls then learn they will be staying in a gorgeous, luxury house in California.

Back at the gym, Moses feels in a funk because he really misses boxing while doing his cardio workouts. Proud of him, Jillian turns off his treadmill and tells him to grab some boxing gloves. Moses feels great knowing that he is excited to be working out again with boxing and feels like he has made a breakthrough with his trainer and his ability to listen to his wants.

For this week's challenge, the teams are told they will be going on the mother of all Easter egg hunts. Each team must find and return at least 600 eggs (400 for the red team). In addition to the normal colored eggs, there is also a very special golden egg hiding out in the field with a very special prize. The green team wins the egg hunt, and Olivia finds the golden egg. When she opens it, she finds her "prize": so long as her team does not lose the weigh in, she will have the only vote.

At the weigh in, Jillian lays into Rulon for going rogue and not sticking to his healthy diet. He admits that he snacks on chips and junk food as rewards and Jillian reminds him that it's not good for him. In order to not lose the weigh in, the red team must lost 5 lbs. When Courtney loses only 2 lbs, Jen believes that she has the win in the bag. She is shocked to learn that she did not lose any weight at all! Jen is immediately eliminated from the show and leaves learning a big lesson about her need of a personal trainer at this stage in her weight-loss journey. She will continue on it at home.

Episode 14

With Jen and Justin gone, Brett is 100% focused on Courtney this week. He has to keep her on the ranch in order for him to stay as well. Allison then presents this weeks challenge to the contestants. Each team is given a flag and told to walk and place their flag as close to one mile as possible. The winning team is given the opportunity to have a night out Hollywood style, while the losing teams must completely clean the house and the gym at the ranch. The black team wins this challenge.

After last week's call out, Jillian makes a special visit with Rulon where they talk about the importance of staying on a good, healthy diet. She tells him that the rewards he is giving himself is his health and happiness, not junk foods. Hannah then talks about how excited she is to have a night out on the town where she can dress up and wear fancy heals for the first time in her life. She can finally admit to herself that she is beautiful and deserving of attention.

At the last chance workout, Courtney works her butt off and Brett claims she has the focus and determination that could win the whole show. At the weigh in, Allison lets Courtney know that it is do or die, if she loses the weigh in she will be automatically eliminated. All the teams are getting pretty good weight loss number, but most amazing is Irene who loses a whopping 6 pounds, putting her into the 160's! When Courtney weighs in, everyone is devastated to learn she has only lost one pound. Amongst shedding tears, Courtney tells everyone that it is meant to be and that she will be fine, and continuing at home. She tells her girls to finish out strong. In addition to Courtney leaving the ranch today, Brett also must leave since he does not have anyone left to train. Emotions run high as two well loved people must go home.

Episode 15

At the outset of this episode, Allison lets the contestants know that they will be spending the next two weeks in New Zealand. Kaylee and Moses are especially excited about going because New Zealand is close to the island of Tonga, where their family comes from. After answering a quick trivia question, Austin wins his way into a first class seat.

The contestants first challenge in New Zealand is to clime the 1,027 stairs to the top of the Sky Tower. Once at the top, they have two choices on how to get down - to go back down the stairs or to bungee jump off the tower. All can participate except for Moses and Rulon, who are too large to participate. Ken, who is terrified of heights, decides to jump off the tower when Bob agrees to do the same. They both face their fears together. They all make it down and are all proud of themselves.

New Zealand is full of all kinds of adventure for all the participants; including sailing a hybrid racing yacht, completing a 5K run across the mountainous terrain for a challenge, and Moses and Kaylee flying over the countryside in a helicopter. However, ever week still has its elimination and this week wasn't so great on the weight loss. Unfortunately the blue team loses the weigh in and Moses is sent home.

Episode 16

This weeks begins with Allison letting the contestants know they have made it to singles. There will no longer be teams AND Brett is back to help train them all. This week, still in New Zealand, is still full of lots of adventure; including cliff jumping, a river boating race challenge (which Olivia wins), cliff climbing, bungee jumping, and more.

At the end of the week, the contestants all go to their final weigh-in in New Zealand. The contestants all pull good numbers this week, however the vote for elimination comes down to Ken and Hannah. Ken ends up being sent home this week.

Exercise: Today my sister and I did a morning workout together. We got up and did a 20 minute run outside (before all the rain started up), running around our neighborhood. Then we came back and did another 30 minute workout using her Wii Fit game. It was fun and nice for the company.

Eat: So now we know what to look for when we are buying our bread products, but what do we need to watch out for? Cooking Light gives us three things to really be careful of when buying bread products. The first is to watch out for the phrase "made with whole grains". According to Cooking Light, "when a package reads "made with whole grains", it means the bread is made with a blend of whole-wheat flour and some other kind - most likely a less nutritious flour." While it is still a better choice than white bread, it is not the most nutritional bang for your buck.

Relax: Tonight my family all sat down together, after eating a delicious dinner Aaron made for my family, and watched two movies. Its always nice to get that family time in!

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