Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 106 - Experience Life March - "To the Gulf Stream Waters"

In an article from the March 2011 edition of Experience Life, Laurel Kallenbach explores ways that you can get involved and help out the communities surrounding the tragedies of Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil Spill. Kallenbach talks about many different ways that you can help out based on your interests.

Beach enthusiasts can clear up the sandy areas of garbage and debris, animal lovers can care for injured sea turtles, bird watchers can help by observing the coastal birds. You can even help out by doing things you love activity-wise; such as kayaking  and documenting water quality and animal life, diving or snorkeling and documenting the numbers of each species of fish you see, or by just visiting and vacationing in the area. This helps the community especially who make their lives by tourism and fishing and who have been hit hard ever since the oil spill. Whatever you passion, find ways to get involved in making our world, and the Gulf Stream Waters, a better and more beautiful place.

Exercise: It's a swim workout day today! I did just a tiny bit of I.M. stuff, but mostly focused on freestyle. Here's my workout:
400 freestyle warm up
2x75 (fly-back-breast, back-breast-free)
2x100 I.M.
2x200 freestyle
3x100 freestyle
3x50 freestyle
TOTAL = 1600 meters (1 mile)

Eat: So how do we choose the healthiest breads? Cooking light gives us three tips to choosing the best breads while in the supermarket. Their first tip is: "When deciding between two similar bread products, look at the calories and fiber". They tell us that a low fiber content is a sign that the processing of the bread has stripped away the fiber nutrients, which means that other nutrients could be stripped away as well!

Relax: This morning I was able to relax a bit by finishing up some blog stuff and then playing a few minutes of Harvest Moon. The game really is my guilty pleasure...

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