Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 111 - "Plant Disease Raises Questions on Modified Crops"

In an article from the L.A. Times, P.J. Huffstutter writes about an epidemic that is sweeping genetically engineered soybean crops, called "Sudden Death Syndrome". The disease was first spotted in Arkansas in 1971, but it was blamed on damp weather and a fungus that rots the plants' roots.

Recently Don M. Huber, a professor at Purdue University, has done research  for Monsanto on chemical herbicides and has found a possible link between genetically engineered crops and crop diseases, along with animal infertility. Huber has written a letter to the USDA, asking them to look into this issue. The letter, however, has further sparked the tension between people who think industrial and bio-technology is the only way to feed the world, and those who are cautious of it and believe it results in foods that are nutritionally lacking and environmentally dangerous.

Monsanto has released a response in which they challenge the letter's claims but said that they would not ignore the letter - they want to look into allegations involving their products. In the meantime, Huber and his fellow researchers have decided to take his findings to the media, rather than to other scientists in the hopes of reaching the hearts, and guts, of the American public.

According to the Times, even if Huber's claims turn out to be false, his attention to GMOs and challenges to them are not out of place, especially after the government approved the growing of genetically modified alfalfa without doing much research on long-term effects on the environment. With over 75% of our processed foods containing GMOs, it is an important issue to be aware of and to challenge.

Huber concludes with the remarks, "If I'm wrong, OK. What's the worst that can happen? If I'm not, then we find out what it is."

Exercise: Happy Easter! So today I took a "holiday" day off of working out. If you want a good workout today, however, then try doing either a swim workout or some yoga practice. Better yet, do a little of both!

Eat: A final thing to really watch out for when buying bread products is bleached flour. Bleaching flour adds chemicals into the bread products while it also destroys the pigments in the flour; such as beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A.

Relax: To celebrate Easter, I went with my family over to my Grandpa's house. We ate a delicious dinner and then enjoyed some food naps while watching Tangled. Super cute movie, by the way!

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